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  • Writer's pictureDr. Fit Nurse


One thing about life I can promise that you will have ENDLESS opportunities to TRY AGAIN!!

Whenever I think about the name of my company being " T.R.Y. Again"...T.R.Y. meaning...transform and renew yourself...I am reminded of one of my favorite scriptures, Romans 12: 1-2:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I absolutely LOVE the concept of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, financial...transformation - all because I renewed my mind...or chose to think about something differently.


This week, my clients and I both have had to "renew our minds" when it came to thinking about life transitions and business decisions. I was reminded of the quote by Jean Jacques-Rousseau that says "Patience is bitter but it's fruit is sweet."

This week is an extraordinary example of the sweet fruit of patience. 🍉🍓🍎

In my own life and one of my clients…

We were both offered contracts that were “good money”, but it didn’t “feel right”….

And one of my aunties voices haunted me (and I made it haunt my client lol 😂 because that’s what great coaches do…keep 👏🏾it 👏🏾real 👏🏾)! My auntie says “baby…everything good ain’t God!” And I knew that although we would both be crazy to “walk away from” the deal….We both chose crazy faith and patience….

Fast forward 2 weeks….and another opportunity comes around for both of us…

The contractual obligations and agreements were written as if they had our names on it…..AND they were contracts worth $10-$60K MORE than the original ones we declined a few weeks prior!!

Won’t 💃🏾He 💃🏾 Do 💃🏾 It! 💃🏾

Lesson: WAIT!! And have patience. If something doesn’t feel right…it probably isn’t! Trust your instinct! Trust your gut! But most importantly, TRUST GOD! 🙏🏾

Trusting GOD....WAITING...and being committed to TRY AND TRY BIG business decisions yielded a sweet result!!

And these results are not just unique to me and my clients...but are available to YOU as well!

If you need help with that mental shift to transformative trust, check out my book #tryagain and the course to go with it...if you are REALLY READY to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind!! Let's GO! #crazyfaith #tryagaintuesday

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